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I Am Same Age As Your Mom- Don't Play With Me ll Sex Cure Therapy ll

I am same age as your mom ll Sex cure therapy ll

Good morning, my name is Stephy, I am your neighbor. You have recently moved in as our neighbor. That is why I have come to meet you.

Stephy- Where's your mom? Why, don't see.

John- Welcome home, Miss Stephy. My name is John. My mom has gone to market. It will take many times for them to come. You can wait for them.

Stephy- Okay. John, this gift I made with my own hands, this is a chocolate cake. Where should I put it?

John- You put it in the kitchen, let me show you the kitchen.

The two men go into the kitchen, Steppy leading the way and John following. John's attention fell on Stephy's hair, Stephy's loose, long and curly hair was very beautiful.

Stephy put the cake in the kitchen and John showed her the kitchen and everything else. And both of them were laughing and joking. John asked Stephy, Are you married?

Stephy- No, I am not married but I am same age as your mom. I have no interest in marriage so I have not done any marriage till date.

John was inwardly pleased, and said, Will you be my special friend? Because I am quite new here. I don't have any friends. I feel lonely after coming from Morocco. I will enjoy if you will be my friend. I will like your company.

Stephy- Yes, why not? I will also like your friendship.

Hearing this, John came close to Stephy and started touching him. Stephy said John what is this doing?

John, it seems that I have no special friends here. I don't have any girlfriend. I am left alone. Stephy, I want your company and then tried to kiss Stephy.

Now, does Stephy understand what John's intentions are?

Stephy- John, I am very old and you are too young for me.

So it is not right that what you want to do happens. And your mom must be coming in now and then. So please let me go.

For some unknown reason, John's libido had awakened. Stephy also looked very beautiful. Her big boob and butt was very sexy. John begged, "Just let me kiss you?" So that I can find comfort in my loneliness.

Stephy- John, please let me go. i want to go

John- grabs Stephy's hand and forces her into a hot kiss on the lips. Now Stephy also gets drunk in the destruction of his kiss.

If you watch this clip further, you will enjoy it very much.

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